I am writing to all of
you who share the same
precious faith we have,
faith given to us by
Jesus Christ, our God
and Savior, who makes
us right with God.

An heirloom is precious because of its value and because it's usually from a person near and dear to you. Something precious is typically priceless and indeed Peter was writing about a precious and priceless faith. Faith is something given to us by Jesus and if any person receives that faith, their lives are guaranteed to change. I read a story about a wealthy old man who died and willed everything from his estate to be auctioned off. The first item to be auctioned was a crayoned childlike drawing of the old man’s son. The people attending the auction came only for the well known pieces of art and they certainly weren’t going to waste time bidding on a scribbled drawing of a person they'd never seen before. Silence came across the room as no bids were made on the drawing until a weak old voice emerged from the rear of the room. It was the old nanny of the rich man's son, and she knew exactly who the person was in the portrait and how much the old man loved and valued his precious son. She said, “I’ll bid for that drawing,” and easily won the bid without competition. The auctioneer handed the silly looking drawing over to the nanny and then heavily pounded the gavel announcing, "The auction has ended." The other attendees shouted, screamed and complained about the auction ending early and yelled that they wanted to bid on the other treasured pieces in the rich man's catalog. The auctioneer told the angry crowd, “The deceased’s will was that whoever bid and won the drawing of his son would get all the paintings.” What's the moral of the story? Simple. If you want the beauty and treasures of life, you first have to claim the precious Son as the foundation of your life.

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