Although they claimed
to be wise,
they became fools.

Technological advances have made the world smaller. Centuries ago, nobody would've thought that man would one day venture into outer space, that man would be able to see every part of the world via satellite, or that man would communicate faster and clearer without wires by cellular phones. Through new technology, these types of things became possible and it makes us feel quite intelligent. Interestingly, I’d read this joke about a foolish woman who met the angel of death after being killed in a car accident. She said to the angel, “I’m still young and have plans for my life, so please give me more time to live." The angel granted her wish and revived her. As soon as she regained consciousness in the hospital, she asked the attending doctors if she could have plastic surgery performed to make her look like Marilyn Monroe. The doctor complied with her request, but as she was released from the hospital and crossing the street, she was tragically hit by a car and killed again. Meeting the angel of death again she asked, “Did you make a mistake because you just gave me a life extension?” The angel replied, “Marilyn Monroe?!? I thought I took you already.” It’s a silly story, but the reality of it is that we just can’t play around with our lives and still find success. The world might seem smaller, and we may be more technologically advanced, and we may certainly feel more intelligent at times, but we still need God's wisdom to prevent us from making silly and frivolous decisions. Let God guide you with His wisdom so you won’t be fooled.

AMEN! Some people may be experiencing difficulties like in economies but since they have God in their life, they were still able to survive. Or sometimes we may have great talents like sports, music and others, but we have weaknesses in our lives because we're not perfect. What we need is God, the Perfect One.
Good one! AMEN!
God bless!
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