He created them male
and female and blessed them.
And when they were created,
he called them "man".

Isn’t this verse interesting? Contrary to what most of the world grew up thinking, this verse shows the equality of man and woman as God’s creations. The only differences are the roles and the birth rights, which is why a male's role is to be a father and a female's role is to be a mother. The male is the root of the word therefore the provider, and the female via birth is the life giver. Author, poet and artist, John Ruskin said, “All that I have ever taught of art, everything that I have written, whatever greatness there has been in any thought of mine, whatever I have done in my life, has simply been due to the fact that, when I was a child, my mother daily read with me a part of the Bible, and daily made me learn a part of it by heart.” Men should respect women as equals. After all, that’s how God intended it to be.

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