For the angel of the LORD guards all who fear him, and he rescues them.

I once saw an interview of a Christian singing group that was describing the background of the song, “Angels All Around You.” The song was written while they were touring and visiting a lighthouse. A child that was walking up the lighthouse's spiral staircase slipped and lost hold of the rail falling down through the center of the spiral. She was heading down several stories directly for the ground at the mercy of gravity. Amazingly, as the family looked on in full distress, the child was caught by another tourist. The family quickly descended to retrieve the girl only to find that the only person that was there was the little girl and that the person who caught her was nowhere to be seen or found. Isn't it amazing how the angels of the our Lord God can truly rescue? All it will take from you is a childlike faith. Is your faith like that of a child?

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