But Martha was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me."

Martha’s appeal is a legitimate and logical request. It appears unfair that she would do all the work while her sister sat at Jesus' feet and listened. But it only appears that way. I recall first hearing the song, “I Miss My Time With You,” by Laarnelle Harris. The song is written as a love song from from God to man. One of the verses says:
I miss my time with you, those moments together.Jesus replied to Martha in Luke 10:42 with, “There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it – and I won't take it away from her.” Are you giving quality time to the best things or are you too busy watching what others are doing?
I need to be with you each day, but it hurts me when you say
you’re too busy, busy trying to serve me.
But how can you serve me, when your spirit is empty?

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