That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."

I heard a story about an elderly man who many years earlier was the recipient of his aunt’s will which read, “To my beloved Steven Marsh, I bequeath my family Bible and all it contains, along with the residue of my estate after my funeral expenses and just and lawful debts are paid.” Once all the funeral expenses had been settled, Marsh was only left with his aunt’s meager pension and Bible. 30 years later, he was preparing to live out his years living with his son so he began cleaning out his attic. He found the Bible inherited from his aunt and as he opened it, he was amazed to find hundreds of bills of cash scattered throughout the pages worth thousands upon thousands of dollars. Ironically, had he bothered to even opened the book just to peruse it's pages, he would have realized the monetary blessings 30 years earlier. In Marsh's case, the blessings were truly meant only for someone who would bother to get to know God.

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