Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Your résumé is an important document because it's what you'll present as your personal record of experience, education and qualifications to find a job. With a résumé, a person may be able to schedule an interview and (depending on how that interview might go) may be offered a job, a salary and/or benefits. Similarly, Christians have a spiritual résumé that God will use to determine a believer's faithfulness. Depending upon the strength of your spiritual résumé, greater doors can open up for you. In Matthew 9:29, we learn that the Lord Jesus told the blind that, "According to your faith will it be done to you." Based upon your spiritual résumé today, would you be given the opportunity to walk through greater doors? Based on your current résumé, are you experiencing blessings and joy?

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