Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Throughout the ages, Christians have interpreted this verse to where one would utter the name of God in an expression or even worse, in a curse phrase. Upon taking the Lord's name in vain, one should ask of themselves whether or not He really is your God? If you're certain that He is your God, then certainly you're supposed to be following Him and partaking in such sayings is both shameful and sinful. For those that do not know God personally, the misuse and misrepresentation of God name's would deem those persons nothing more than atheists that are doomed without the Lamb of God. If you're a believer, don't misrepresent yourself by using curse words or invoking the Lord's name in vain. The Lord will not leave you guiltless for this action.

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