Galatians 6:1
Dear brothers and sisters,
if another Christian
is overcome by some sin,
you who are godly
should gently and humbly
help that person back
onto the right path.
And be careful not to fall
into the same
temptation yourself.

Falling into sin or making mistakes is not exclusively a Christian Waterloo. The difference between a Christian's "sin" and a non-Christian's "mistake" is that God can always gently guide the Christian back onto the right path because Christians are His children. J.C. Penny’s first business as a boy was hogging, and when he sold his first hog and made a profit, he bought more hogs and made even more profit. The neighbors, however, began to complain about the smell and noise coming from the nearby pigpens. His dad told him to sell everything. Penny argued and rationalized, but his father kindly told him, “You have no right to make money if by so doing you are taking advantage of other people.” At that moment, Penny's father had gently taught him how to walk the path of success. This approach eventually became one of Penny's core business principles. You can make this a core part of your Christian walk, too. Just be sure to be gentle with your brothers and sisters that have fallen into sin or made mistakes.

this is a REALLY good devotional. REALLY good.
Amen, this is reallly good <3
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