For he orders his angels
to protect you wherever you go.
They will hold you
with their hands to keep you
from striking your foot on a stone.

When Elizabeth Elliot gave a testimonial about her father’s life experience she said, “My father, when he was a small boy, was climbing on an upper story of a house that was being built. He walked to the end of a board that was not nailed at the other end, and it slowly began to tip. He knew that he was doomed, but inexplicably the board began to tip the other way, as though a hand had pushed it down again. He always wondered if it was an angel’s hand.” I'm sure that many people reading this may also have similar stories of miraculous situations where God's messengers altered a potentially bad, or even tragic, situation. It should make you wonder what His will is for your life and what you were meant to do with the life He gave you. The stark reality is that God loves His children so much that he has charged His angels to watch and care for his children, and to have a presence all around us.

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