For I have five brothers,
and I want him to warn them
about this place of torment
so they won't have to
come here when they die.

The philosopher Kierkegaard once told a story about laughing theatergoers at a variety comedy show. The show was receiving loud applause and raucous ovation from the crowd, when suddenly the theater manager came on stage announcing that the theater was on fire. The manager literally begged the people to leave the theater in an orderly manner, but the audience thought he was part of the show and they began enthusiastically clapping for the manager. When the crowd finally realized that he wasn’t part of the show, it was too late. In a very similar way, Luke 16:28 teaches us about a rich man burning in hell that begged to go and warn his brothers about their burning future. Sadly, in Luke 16:29 we learn that Abraham told the rich man, "Moses and the prophets have warned them. Your brothers can read their writings anytime they want to." All of us have the Bible to tell us of the Good News and all of us need to acknowledge Christ's gift before it’s too late. The consequences are harsh and the excuses will fall on deaf ears because everyone has been duly warned.

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