Commit your work to the LORD,
and then your plans will succeed.

The American inventor Charles F. Kettering said, “I often tell my people that I don’t want any fellow who has a job working for me. What I want is a fellow whom a job has. I want the job to get the fellow and not the fellow to get the job. And I want that job to get hold of this young man so hard that no matter where he is the job has got him for keeps. I want that job to have him in its clutches when he goes to bed at night, and in the morning I want that same job to be sitting on the foot of his bed telling him it’s time to get up and go to work. And when a job gets a fellow that way he’ll amount to something.” If we enforce our commitment to God in the same way that Kettering describes a job, our success won't be temporary, but rather it would last forever. Be faithful in doing what the Bible says, allow the Lord to own your life, commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be filled with success.

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