"Lay down the knife," the angel said.
"Do not hurt the boy in any way,
for now I know that you truly fear God.
You have not withheld even
your beloved son from me."

God asked for Abraham’s only son to be offered to Him – the only seed for Abraham’s future generations. With that, Abraham had every reason to disregard God's command because at that moment in time the request really made no sense and it didn’t conform to God’s promise that Abraham would become a father of many nations. But because Abraham feared the Lord, he obeyed God's command. F.B. Meyer said, “Never be afraid of God, unless you are sinning against Him. Always believe that behind what seems difficult and mysterious, there is God’s heart, as true and tender as the heart of the sweetest, gentlest woman that ever pressed her child to her bosom. Nay, all the love in all women's hearts together, compared to the love of His heart, is as a glowworm’s torch compared to the sun at noon-tide.” Even if it doesn't make sense, if it doesn't line up with what's promised to you, even if it hurts more than you think you can bear it, be obedient and do God’s will. It's worth it because you'll find your trusting in God reciprocates several times over in blessings upon your life.

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