Always remember that
it is the LORD your God
who gives you power to
become rich, and he does
it to fulfill the covenant
he made with your ancestors.

There are many ways to become rich, but the riches that come from God are the kind of thing that you can’t take credit for. If you try to take credit, you’d be claiming that things were done through your own power and will, thus taking credit from God. Job became very rich, but he understood that those blessings came from God. Solomon became the richest person ever, but he also recognized that those blessings came from God. Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes 5:19, “And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—that is indeed a gift from God.” As you pursue great things for Him, thank Him for the power to gain riches and become wealthy.

AMEN! Blessings!
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