Dear friends, never avenge yourselves.
Leave that to God. For it is written,
"I will take vengeance; I will repay
those who deserve it," says the Lord.

A natural reaction to being wronged is to desire to "get even", to fight tooth for tooth, and evil for evil. I'm reminded of a story about a nagging wife and her husband. The nagging wife had become so annoying that her husband moved into the family tree house in their backyard. The nag wrote a letter to a local advice columnist saying, "My husband is living in the family tree house and he’s such an annoyance because he swings in a hammock on his porch, merrily chatting with passersby." The columnist responded with, “Quit being a nag.” Things never really work out when you try to accomplish something in your own strength, rather than God's strength. This isn't just for naggers, but also for complainers and pushy people. Sometimes the struggles will even continue to linger on "tit for tat". Just take a deep breath and give it to God. His strength and timing are perfect, and He can handle difficult people much better than you.

1 comment:
AMEN! God got His hands on you...
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