What joy for the nation
whose God is the LORD,
whose people he has
chosen for his own.

If you've made the Lord Jesus your Savior, and then shared that Good News with others, and then everybody else went ahead and shared with even more people, it's undeniable that blessings would come to our entire nation. Daniel Webster said, "Only if we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, will our country go on prospering!" George Washington said, "It is impossible to rightly govern without God and the Bible." The challenge to Christians of every generation historically has been daunting. First century Christians did their painful part, and today we enjoy the fruit of their difficult work. We ought to continue on in the tradition of sharing the Word and likewise bless our nation. Ask yourself this question: what am I personally doing to share the gospel with those around me? Your answer will tell you quite a bit about who you are as a Christian.

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