Get out of my life, you evil-minded people, for I intend to obey the commands of my God.

In life, there just have to be standards to live by. If we didn't have standards, there's no telling how the free-flowing world might influence you. John Wanamaker, the department store mogul once wrote, “I made my biggest purchase when I was eleven years old. In a little mission Sunday school, I bought from my teacher a small, red, leather Bible. The Bible cost me $2.75 – which I paid in installments. That was my greatest purchase, for that Bible made me what I am today.” The New York Herald Tribune captioned its story on Wanamaker’s billion dollar wealth with, “Later deals in millions called small compared with buying Holy Writ at 11.” If you obey God’s commands and make His Word your standards, surely your life will be blessed. What are you using today to set your life's standards?

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