The LORD says, "I will give you back what you lost to the stripping locusts, the cutting locusts, the swarming locusts, and the hopping locusts. It was I who sent this great destroying army against you."

Have you ever worked for a paycheck only to feel like you were holding your money in a bag full of holes? Have you ever felt at the end of a long day that your life was lacking and unsatisfying? It’s hard to fathom that the word, “sad,” could ever be associated with the phrase, “rich young ruler," but Jesus taught us about such a person. In Matthew 19:22-23, Christ teaches us, “when the young man heard this, he went sadly away because he had many possessions. Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘I tell you the truth, it is very hard for a rich person to get into the Kingdom of Heaven.’” If you make God your Lord and money your servant, you can simultaneously achieve being rich and happy. Whatever it is that you think might be lost for making a commitment, fear not because God's promise is that He'll give back whatever was destroyed.

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