Psalm 90:2
Before the mountains were created, before you made the earth and the world, you are God, without beginning or end.God is omnipresent. God is in the eternity past and in the eternity future. He was there when you were born and is even now in the future on the day of your physical death waiting to start an eternal life with you. Herbert Fisher said in A History of Europe that, “Men wiser and more learned than I have discovered in history a plot, a rhythm, a predetermined pattern. But these harmonies are concealed from me. I can see only one emergency following another, as wave follows upon wave – there can be no generalization. There is only one safe rule for the historian – that he should recognize in the development of human destiny the play of the contingent and the unforeseen.” We are limited in all ways, but our timeless God already knows the paths that we’ll take. Let Him hold your hand and make His Word a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. You can start it off simply by making Him your Lord and Savior.

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