John 14:1
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.Are there situations in life that are just completely and totally beyond your control? I've personally been through so many of those situations and even as I write these words I’m in one of those situations again. As I started this day with the Word of God, the first words that He showed me were, “Let not you heart be troubled.” Before I could even make a single decision, He already gave comfort to my heart with a gentle reminder that He's in control. An extraordinary nurse that served patients for more than twenty years for very little pay was asked by one of the doctors she worked with, “Why don’t you make them pay you more?" He added, "You ought to have at least a little more. God knows you’re worth it.” There was a short pause and the nurse smiled and responded, “Doctor, if God knows I’m worth it, that’s all that matters!” The Bible says that being promoted through the ranks comes from the Lord. Just be patient, because there are going to be situations are beyond your control. God knows what you're going through. Always remember, He is a righteous and just God.

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