John 8:34
I assure you that everyone who sins is a slave of sin.On June 22, 1772, Lord Mansfield, the chief justice of the King’s Bench, handed down the famous decision that effectively abolished slavery from the soil of the British Isles. The decision, however, did not impact slavery in any of the British colonies. Not until 1833 when William Wilberforce (who had been deeply influenced by John Newton, the composer of the famed hymn Amazing Grace) succeeded in getting Parliament to ban the slave trade and abolish slavery throughout the entire British Empire. It’s only through the amazing grace of God that we can be free because true slavery is not physical, but spiritual. When a wretch can be lost, but then found and freed from slavery of sin, it's truly supernatural. That freedom is yours is to be had, but you’ll have to accept the gift of Christ to gain it.

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