They should gently teach
those who oppose the truth.
Perhaps God will change
those people's hearts,
and they will believe the truth.

When a person knows about a subject with absolute certainty, there's a really good possibility for a "know it all" attitude to set in or, worse yet, a condescending pride. Christians are no different especially when it comes to the issue of salvation. I've often found Christians bragging about the surety of their salvation and how righteous their beliefs are. Sadly, we need to remember that sharing the Word's truth is the real goal once we're saved, not necessarily basking in the sunlight of salvation. We have to constantly ask ourselves if we're sharing the Gospel with people we know and meet, and whether or not those people received the truth. When sharing the Gospel with the resistant, we need to apply the teachings of 2 Timothy 2:25 and be gentle. If we're not gentle with the resistant, there's a risk of leading someone away from Christ because of what people will feel is a bad attitude or condescending pride coming from a Christian.

Amen...God Bless everyone...thx pjunds
Amen...we should always be sharing the Word...even when its difficult...God Bless everyone...keep fighting the good fight...thx pjunds
thanks pjunds
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