Every human being has an
earthly body just like Adam's,
but our heavenly bodies
will be just like Christ's.
Just as we are now like Adam,
the man of the earth,
so we will someday be like Christ,
the man from heaven.

When Jesus rose from the dead, He became "new and improved" in many significant ways. One of those ways is written about in the Bible when Jesus first visited the disciples after His resurrection. In John 20:19 we learn that, "On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you!'" Now how exactly did He get in when the door was locked? The exact answer is unknown. Did He walk through the walls? Did He teleport Himself into the room? It's nearly impossible to know the answer to those questions, but we do know this for sure: Jesus no longer had a frail human body, He was walking around with a new heavenly body. In the same way, faithful believers that have a relationship with Christ will someday also have "new and improved" heavenly bodies capable of the unimaginable and the supernatural.

Amen! Awesome!
amen :D
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