Honor the Lord with your wealth
and with the best part
of everything your land produces.
Then he will fill your barns with grain,
and your vats will overflow
with the finest wine.

How do we honor the Lord with our wealth if we have hardly any wealth to begin with? This is a legitimate question that the Word addresses in Luke 21:1-4,
While Jesus was in the Temple,So, you're wondering what to give if you have no wealth to speak of? Don't worry about such a thing, just give everything you can with a joyful heart and God will recognize the value of your offering. Live this out correctly and the Lord will grant you overflowing blessings.
he watched the rich people putting
their gifts into the collection box.
Then a poor widow came by
and dropped in two pennies.
"I assure you," he said,
"this poor widow has given more
than all the rest of them.
For they have given
a tiny part of their surplus,
but she, poor as she is,
has given everything she has."

Amen. I completely understand.
Parabéns pelo seu blog! Deus abençoe (Rev. Ronaldo Mendes-Barra do Garças-MT- BRASIL)- Your blog is very good! congratulations!
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