So what is the advantage of wealth —
except perhaps to watch it
run through your fingers!

There's a Chinese allegory about an immortal man who had the power to make anything turn to gold by just pointing his finger. This powerful immortal was saddened to find that an old friend had become impoverished. As a helpful gift, he pointed at a pile of bricks turned them to gold, and then gave the precious rocks to his poor friend. Surprisingly, his old friend was unsatisfied with the gift and asked for more gold. The surprised immortal reluctantly granted the request, and to no surprise his now wealthy friend was still unsatisfied. The immortal asked his old friend, "What more do you want?" The greedy man replied, "I would like to have your finger." Our desire for excess wealth can be blinding. The greed that fuels this desire is so powerful that we sometimes don't realize that we've become unhappy with what we already have, and have begun to desire what other people have. Stake your life on something more sound than wealth. Stake it on Christ and your salvation through His grace. Unlike the wealth that will pass through your fingers, your relationship with God is built on the sturdiest of rocks, our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Thank you always. God bless!
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