Good planning and hard work
lead to prosperity,
but hasty shortcuts
lead to poverty.

Short term and long term planning are keys to staying focused and achieving your goals. A sharp focus upon our goals is what gives us the ability to get where it is that we want to go. Unfortunately, however, there are no shortcuts to prosperity. Proverbs 29:18 teaches us that, "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." There is no shortcut to success - and that's even when a person amasses large sums of money from game of chance. Proverbs 13:11 tells us that, “Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows.” If you want to succeed at something, you're going to have to develop a good plan, keep God's close, work hard and stay sharply focused upon your goal.

Amen! I see, If you get a reward for doing nothing, it will disappear right away.But if you work hard for it, you'll get your infinite reward from the Lord
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