The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.

The job market loosely measures someone's value as a possible employee according to that person's résumé. When a person receives a job offer, their pay grade is typically a reflection of their experience, education and face-to-face interview. It's safe to assumes that greater scholastic achievement combined with greater experience can equate to a higher salary. The ability to learn, whether by experience or formal education, is part of what makes us valuable creations. King David said that the Law or the Word from your mouth is more precious than gold or silver to the Lord. The Bible teaches us that, “the Word was God.” Interestingly, if the law should come out of your mouth, God would have to be dwelling in you to begin with. Let the Word of God flood your heart and your value will be increased beyond countable riches. Let the Word flow from your mouth and you then become precious to Him and His heart.

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