Yes, dear friends, we are already God's children, and we can't even imagine what we will be like when Christ returns. But we do know that when he comes we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is.

The famed Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi, actually gave suggestions to British Christians on how to lead Hindus to Christ. He suggested that Christians, “First live more like Christ because if you come to us in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, then we cannot resist you. Secondly, do not adulterate Christianity. Give it to us in its rugged simplicity and its high demands, and live out the life; and thirdly, put your emphasis upon love, for love is a central thing, in Christianity.” I find it quite interesting that a non-Christian would so accurately describe how to bring people to Christ. As children of God, we must truly and sincerely be like Him in preparation for the future. We must be prepared to live out the ruggedly simplistic high demands. Let your life's actions as a child of God speak louder than your words, let Christ shine His light through you and trust completely that His love will speak to the hearts of those that desire the Way, the Truth and the Light. Do these things and you'll be leading hordes of people to Christ and eternal salvation.

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