I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.

Robert S. Kerr, former governor of Oklahoma, received an unusual request from the Oklahoma State Parole Board to grant a pardon to a "model" prisoner. Governor Kerr took the time to personally interview the inmate saying, “You have been a model prisoner. The Parole Board overwhelmingly voted to set you free. What is it man, that turned your life around?” The inmate responded tearfully, “Governor, I was in a holding cell when I heard a preacher shouting at the top of his lungs about the Good News that every man can be forgiven through the blood of Jesus because God loves me. Governor, no one ever cared for me like that before. I began to pray and committed my life to Jesus and, well, He changed me.” Kerr answered him with, “I’m going to pardon you because I can see with my eyes and feel with my heart that Jesus has pardoned you first.” Isn't it interesting that when Christians walk the talk, it's really obvious to onlookers that Christ is responsible for the dramatic change. Take some time today to make sure that your walk is louder than your talk when it comes to your faith. Do this and those around you will know that you're a new creature in Him.

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