1 Peter 5:3
Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your good example.

Baseball legend Babe Ruth was once offered a small fortune to be an advertising spokesperson for a beer company. The Babe, however, had a particular problem when it came to being photographed with a bottle of beer in his hand. Ruth told interviewers, “I've autographed too many baseballs for young boys of America to think of helping advertise the sale of beer. Many of these boys regard me as a hero, and I’ll not do anything to lessen their esteem of me.” In the same way, Christians need to remember to not sell their integrity off for whatever the world might offer. Keep in mind that you and your actions are being carefully watched by a lot of people and some are young children, while others are people with unsaved souls. At the end of the day, there's no amount of money that can outweigh the precious lives that follow your examples.

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