I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.

One of Aesop's Fables is about a reed and an olive tree that argued over each other's strength and endurance. The olive tree claimed that the reed was weak because it could easily be bent by the wind. The reed said nothing in response and just let the argument pass. Later in the day, a strong storm came along and the wind gusts tossed the reed all about, bending it in every direction possible. At the end of the storm, however, the reed was just fine and still intact. Taking a very different approach which garnered a very different ending, the olive tree tried to fight and withstand the storm's heavy wind gusts. The olive tree, however, couldn't hold strong against the unseen winds and it eventually split and was broken. In much the same way, your life's endurance will grow if you couple it with meek humility. Pick and choose the appropriate moments to leave arguments where they are, and to bend without breaking. In life, you'll find that the most challenging situations are typically uncontrollable and the best way to get through them isn't to stand toe-to-toe and test your strength against the unseen, but rather to exhibit humility, bending as much as you can without violating your faith, hope, morals and ethics.

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