"Have you seen the giant?" the men were asking. "He comes out each day to challenge Israel. And have you heard about the huge reward the king has offered to anyone who kills him? The king will give him one of his daughters for a wife, and his whole family will be exempted from paying taxes!"

Inevitably, we will face challenges everyday. We must wisely choose, however, which challenges to expend time and energy upon. It's important to know that 1 Samuel 17:25 teaches us how to choose our challenges. The basis for our selections begins with choosing the challenges which offer the greatest rewards, not with choosing the simplest among the challenges. History tells us that when Roman General Titus attacked and destroyed Jerusalem, the soldiers were rewarded with the allowance to take the gold overlay of the temple. Needless to say, the greatest rewards typically come from taking on the toughest challenges. Be sure to carefully choose your battles by considering the spoils of victory, however complex or difficult the challenges may be. You'll find that your victories will be sweet and fruitful, and that your experience levels will grow exponentially preparing you for even larger spoils down the line.

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