Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord; point out the right road for me to follow.

King David, even with vast resources available and experienced counselors to advise him, still knew that He was lacking and limited without God. Ultimately, people's futures are uncertain because we don't ever really know for sure what's going to happen. Like sheep, our foresight is very limited. The only One who truly knows all that is past, present and future is God. David learned that the best person to gain counsel from is the One who knows everything, so David would counsel with God for almost everything. Sir Walter Scott once wrote of the Bible that:
If you're looking to make a good decision, or if you're looking for the best counselor, always remember that Jesus is the way and that if you read His Word and follow Him, the best choices will become very clear to you because God Himself will be showing you the way.Within this wondrous volume lies the mystery of mysteries; Happiest they of human race, To whom their God has given grace, To read, to fear, to hope, to pray, To lift the latch, to find the way.

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