But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.

Famed American magnate, Andrew Carnegie, told an envious reporter many years before he died, “I am not really to be envied. I cannot digest (my food). I would give you all my millions, if you could give me your youth and health. I’d gladly sell all, to have half my life over again.” This is living proof of the teachings from 1 Timothy 6:9. Be careful about any longings for wealth because that longing may be what opens the door for temptation and sin ultimately making your heart's desire a curse rather than a blessing. It's more important to put your energy into having God at the center of your life. After all, if you seek His kingdom first, things like worldly riches and even possessions will then be added unto you as a blessing.

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