Matthew 20:26
It’s not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant.If you’ve ever been to a third world country, you might've noticed that the return policy for purchased items is very different when compared to developed countries. Generally speaking, you will be severely scrutinized before you get your money back. That’s pretty different from the “no questions asked” policy that has become the norm in developed nations. General Norman Schwarzkopf once said, “When I began as a plebe, ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ was just a motto. The Army, with its emphasis on rank and medals and efficiency reports, is the easiest institution in the world in which to get consumed with ambition. Some officers spend all their time currying favor and worrying about the next promotion — a miserable way to live. But West Point saved me from that by instilling the ideal of service above self to do my duty for my country even if it brought no gain at all. It gave me far more than a military career — it gave me a calling.” A wealthy businessman was once asked, “How did you become a billionaire?” His reply? "Easy. I made my employees millionaires." If you serve first, you’ll finish first without worrying about the competition.

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