Luke 9:62
Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.Many people that followed Jesus during His ministry wanted to be disciples, but most of them had demands that needed to met before they would commit to following. Jesus told them that if they wanted to follow Him, they’d have to take up their own cross. The "cross" that He was referring to wasn’t just an object, but it was also their destiny. Jesus knew that His destiny was to bear the cross of everyone's sin and He took his destiny head-on. I'm reminded of a silly story about a young Sunday school student that was listening to the story of Lot and his wife "turning" into a pillars of salt (Genesis 19:26) as she turned and looked back. The boy very excitedly interrupted his teacher saying, "My mother looked back once while she was driving and she turned into a fence post." The funny thing is that when we turn our eyes from God’s plan for us, our lives can begin to spin out of control badly. To be fit for the Kingdom, you’ve got to keep your eyes on the prize and remember, don’t look back.

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