John 15:16
You didn't choose me. I chose you.My wife once held a children's Sunday school where candy would be given to the kids as a treat. The way the activity worked was that as the lesson was being taught, she had the kids pass a bag of candy around. Without looking into the bag, each child was allowed to pick out one piece of candy. One got a strawberry flavored candy, another picked out a piece of chocolate, while another selected a lollipop, and so on and so forth. There were some, however, that picked out sour balls and upon tasting the candy they'd quickly spit it out. At the core of the lesson, she asked the children, “If you were a piece of candy, do you think Jesus would think that you tasted sweet?” “Of course!” they all said. One child went so far as to say, “We’d all be too sweet to taste for Jesus!” Well, this is actually true. You see, it doesn’t matter if your life is sour, messed up, dirty or unwanted because Jesus loves you so much and he’s chosen you despite who you are because He wants your life to be renewed and lasting.

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