Luke 11:34
Your eye is a lamp for your body. A pure eye lets sunshine into your soul. But an evil eye shuts out the light and plunges you into darkness.Proverbs 20:12 teaches us that we have, "Ears to hear and eyes to see – both are gifts from the Lord." I once brought an elderly woman to an eye care center and it dawned on me that our eyes are some of the most incredible gifts from God. They were made to see the beauty of God’s creation and who He is. Now think about how often you allow your eyes to be used to see evil and how often you allow yourself to be enticed into the evil you're looking at. How would you feel if you gave someone a gift that was later being used for something bad or, worse yet, for something evil? There’s a mythological tale about Zulcucus, the lawgiver of the Locrians, who had rendered a law that would punish adulterers by blinding the offender’s eyes. The first violator of the law, however, was Zulcucus' very own son. The loving and upright Zulcucus caused one of his son’s eyes to be put out, and then one of his own eyes, as well. Be careful about what your eyes are looking at and try to use them for reading the Word of God. Use them to see the beauty of God and His creations. Use God's incredible gifts in a way that would make Him proud.

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