Jesus called His twelve disciples
to Him and gave them authority.

Have you ever wanted to be the person in charge of something, but you lacked authority? In the past, I’d served as a CEO of a company and had some very desirable executive privileges and the authority that comes with the title. Beneath the privileges and authority, however, were many sleepless nights, stressful situations and challenging business decisions. On the surface, I looked smooth and unruffled, but inside I was struggling with decisions that would effect the company and it's employees. It can be tough to see it at times, but authority comes with many burdens. From Matthew 10:1 we learn that the disciples were given authority by Jesus. Christ is willing and able to give you authority and responsibility, but you'll have to work at gaining wisdom from Him before He'll give it to you the authority you desire.

Amen, Thanks pastor, always
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