'If you want to be perfect,
go and sell all you have and
give the money to the poor,
and you will have treasure in heaven.
Then come, follow me.'
But when the rich man heard this,
he went away sadly because
he had many possessions that
he didn’t want to give up.

Have you ever experienced financial difficulty or been in need? Well, being in that situation may not be a bad thing for you. In fact, when I was a kid, being broke was just about the only thing that I knew when it came to money. If I had a penny when I was a kid, I’d feel like a rich man. I remember at one Christmas, we had a youth fellowship where everyone was asked to bring a gift and the only gift that I could afford to buy was a small bar of soap. During the gift opening, I felt terrible as I heard a sarcastic comment from the person who got my little bar of soap. Ironically, you could also feel just as bad if you were really wealthy. Being broke, or better yet, broken, is God’s way of getting your attention. He shows you that there are things that are more important than money, possessions or your own personal desires. You might even have plenty today, but your life may very well be quite empty. If you're truly interested in the price of happiness, be obedient in following the Lord and your life will be filled in ways that cannot be quantified.

AMEN! God is the ultimate Provider!
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