God has made everything
beautiful for its own time.

Ever want to make something ugly into something beautiful? Maybe you didn't like the way a room looked and you rearranged it; or maybe you had a work area that was in disarray and you organized it? As for me, deep down inside I’m a frustrated artist and there was a portrait I was painting of a farm set in nature. As the portrait was developing, I realized that my painting was going nowhere fast and in a bout of frustration, I handed the work off to my wife, a trained artist. She began to retouch it by adding some shrubbery, skylines and natural backdrops. She added the missing depth and it became a masterpiece. There wasn’t, however, a single trace of my original portrait which reminded me about my life in Christ. You see, whatever mess we make of our lives can still be made into something beautiful if we placed our lives into God’s masterful hand. There’s a wonderful song that says:
Something beautiful, something good.Hand over your messy life, all of your stressful situations and difficult challenges to Jesus and He’ll turn your life into something beautiful. He’ll turn your life into a masterpiece.
All my confusions He understood.
All I have to offer Him is brokenness and strife.
And He made something beautiful of my life.

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