Share each other's troubles and problems,
and in this way obey the law of Christ.

Helping people in need seems to be a rare act for today’s younger generations. I can remember when as a young boy, I would see kids run to help the elderly to carry something heavy or to cross the streets. I'm reminded of the story about two great painters, Apelles and Protogens. Apelles was known to be far and away the more talented, but Protogens wanted to paint a portrait that would surpass Apelles’ brilliance. Protogens worked night and day until his painting was almost complete. Upon leaving his home on errands, Protogens left the painting for several hours just before he was about to apply his finishing touches. While he was out and about, Apelles stepped in and added a few touches to the painting making it even more beautiful than Protogens had ever dreamed. When Protogens returned home, he was amazed at its perfection saying, “Apelles has been here. No one could have done this but Apelles.” Helping others is a part of God’s perfect will, so work to make helping others a part of your chararacter.

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