But my life is worth nothing
unless I use it for doing
the work assigned me by the
Lord Jesus – the work of
telling others the Good News
about God's wonderful
kindness and love.

The difference between living and existing is knowing your purpose as designed by God. An Indian Chief once said, “When you know who you are, when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will, no cold can touch your heart, no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.” Many times we surrender to the challenges of life simply because we really don’t know why we’re here. That’s exactly why Acts 20:24 says, “life is worth nothing” unless you use your life for your Godly purpose. Are you interested in living and not just merely existing? Just know your purpose. So, have you spent time finding out what your life's purpose is?

1 comment:
AMEN! I've been praying a lot about this.
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