But watch out! Be very careful
never to forget what you have
seen the LORD do for you. Do not
let these things escape from your
mind as long as you live! And be
sure to pass them on to your
children and grandchildren.

There are so many things that we have to thank the Lord for. I can remember how difficult times were for my family when God spoke to my heart as a young boy. As a teenager, I developed many vices and became involved in all kinds of gray-area activities. Today, the Lord has carried me to a place where if I had to compare it against my past, the past would be totally dark whilst the present is completely bright. God is truly good, and we all need to remember that time when God spoke to you in the past and count that moment as a blessing. And if you’re in a situation that's similar to my past, or if you’re just struggling to reach the blessings that God has waiting for you, choose the path leading to Christ and you'll certainly turn your dark past into a bright future. After all, "God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all."

AMEN! Horrible past, but a better future
Amen! This was great God bless :D
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