Jesus felt genuine love for
this man as he looked at him.
"You lack only one thing,"
he told him. "Go and sell all
you have and give the money
to the poor, and you will
have treasure in heaven.
Then come, follow me."

It’s storied that very early on in his career, John D. Rockefeller was determined to earn a whole lot of money. At 33, he had already earned his first million dollars. At 43, he controlled the largest company in the world. At 53, he was the world’s sole billionaire. All this, but he would find himself suddenly overcome with the disease Alopecia. Rockefeller would become sickly to the point that the only things he could digest were milk and dry crackers. His doctors even told him that he only had 12 more months to live. Well, Rockefeller realized that money wasn’t everything and he began to give his enormous fortune away in helping churches, the poor and the needy. Incredibly, he went on to live an additional 45 years before dying at the ripe old age of 98, and he enjoyed a fruitful and giving life. The wealthiest man of his era learned that true treasures and wealth are stored only in Heaven. So what are you doing with your treasures, wealth and gifts? Have you already come to realize that you can't take it with you?

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