So then, since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude he had, and be ready to suffer, too. For if you are willing to suffer for Christ, you have decided to stop sinning.

The harsh reality of life is that suffering is real and expected. Even God dealt with suffering when He took the form of a man in Jesus Christ and was beaten, humiliated and crucified for the sin's of the world. There’s an old tale about a king that was suffering through a painful illness and as a cure for his ailment, he was advised to take a happy man's shirt and to wear it day and night. He sent royal messengers to search and retrieve a happy man from the kingdom. Months passed, and after a thorough search the messengers returned with neither a happy man or his shirt. One day the king asked his messengers, “What did you find?” They replied, “O king, we found one such man, just one in the kingdom!” The king then asked “Then why did you not bring back his shirt?” One messenger quietly replied as he looked down, “Master, the man had no shirt.” You see, even in the darkest times of suffering one can still be content. As Christians, we need to be armed, ready and willing for suffering during our walk with Christ and it’s with the attitude of Jesus that we will be able to withstand the pain. Are you personally prepared?

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