Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had.

Firmin Abautiz was an elderly man known for being calm and never losing his temper. His temperament was so well-known that some would even intentionally try to provoke Abautiz. In one instance, his housekeeper intentionally neglected to make the beds. The next morning, Abautiz reminded her to make the beds, but the housekeeper claimed to have "forgotten" the task and nothing more was said between the two. For two more days, she continued to avoid the beds, and for two days she was reminded daily, and for two days she provided similar excuses. On the third day, Abautiz said to her, “You have not yet made my bed, but it is evident you are determined to do it. Well, I suppose you find the job troublesome. It’s of little consequence though because I’ve already become comfortable with the unmade beds.” Certain things are beyond our control because each person is allowed the freewill to choose and make decisions. Instead of losing the joy of life because of difficult situations, try to gain the joy of life by having a Christ-like winning attitude.

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