Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise!

There’s a story I’d read about a girl who made Jesus her Lord and Savior. Her parents ridiculed her for the decision and they did their best to get her to renounce her faith in Christ. She remained faithful and told them, “By God’s grace I’ll never go back to my old life!” As time passed, her father noticed the change in her life and told her, “I guess it must be real because now you get up at six o’clock every morning to study the Bible. Before you were so lazy, we had trouble getting you out of bed!” King Solomon wrote about ants in Proverbs 6:7 telling us, “Even though they have no prince, governor, or ruler to make them work, they work.” A person shouldn't have to be told or forced to get up and work, so don’t be lazy. Let your testimony on work ethics be a strong testimony of faith.

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