Those in frequent contact with the things of the world should make good use of them without becoming attached to them, for this world and all it contains will pass away.

The Word of God teaches us how to have the right attitude about our valuable possessions and our feelings about them. Because our time and energy typically becomes focused while gaining possessions, these items often carry sentimental and unreasonable value. Some items may symbolize achievements (diplomas) or special events (trophies, rings). The Bible teaches us, however, to avoid becoming attached to our earthly possessions because earthly things will eventually pass away. God gives His children everything needed, but we have to be careful to not fall in love with the blessings, but rather to fall in love with the One that blesses because when world passes away, these possessions will be gone. Do you find yourself sometimes attached to things of the world? Just remember the One that provided those blessings to you and the gift of salvation He's giving you by grace.

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