Luke 12:20
But God said to him, "You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get it all?"This verse is from a parable that Jesus taught about a man who prepared for this life but was not ready for the next life to come. Whenever I'm invited to speak at a funeral, I use a story about a king who gave his jester a stick and some orders, “You’re a fool. Leave here, take all the money you need, don’t come back until you find a bigger fool than yourself.” Many years later, the jester came back because he learned that the king was dying. When he visited the king, the king said, “I am going away.” The jester asked, “Are you prepared, O king?” And the king replied, "No." The jester handed the stick to the king saying, “Take it. I’ve found a bigger fool than myself.” Like the king in this story, you may have prepared yourself for this lifetime, but are you ready for the next life to come? Sincerely accept the gift that Jesus has for you and preparations for the next life will be taken care.

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